Never underestimate your power to change yourself. Never overestimate your power to change others.

— Wayne Dyer


Below are several diagrams of corral systems which use a Bud Box. The key features are that the side you bring the animals in is 14 ft wide and they are driven by the entrance to the alley so they go past the alley, into the box, then around and back the way they came, which puts them right at the alley. The handler should always stand right beside the alley whether they are inside the box (so the animals go around you) or outside the box in the case of wilder or dangerous animals (so they animals go around you).

To save a corral design to your computer on a PC, right click over the image and choose to save the image to your computer. I assume there’s a similar method to save images on a Mac.

For the very best information about using a Bud Box, read this post on

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