The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding. We are swimming in the former. We are desperately lacking in the latter.

— Malcom Gladwell

Proper Livestock Marketing

Eliminate Guesswork with Proper Marketing Skills!

A lot of producers are kinda guessing the market when it comes to marketing their cattle.

The Proper Livestock Marketing Course eliminates guessing and “hoping” your way to a profit.

It will empower the producer to make profitable decisions with clear confidence and not only just stay in business but their farm and family can thrive like never before.

Be confident in any decision:

  • When to sort calves off
  • When to sell and replace
  • What to replace stock with
  • What stocker weights to sell/buy
  • When to market breeding cows

Learn how to apply these principles immediately!

It works for any producer:

  • The large rancher with thousands of acres.
  • The family farmer who wants to leave a legacy for the next generation.
  • The small producer who wants to make the most of what he has.

See the results on your very first trip to the sale barn!

Marketing your Production for Profit

Bud Williams, as well as being the premier authority on Proper Stockmanship, also developed an excellent livestock marketing program. Although we will focus on cattle, these techniques also work with sheep and goats. Actually, they will work with anything you sell and buy including land, hay and grains, money, etc.

Using the latest market prices in the areas of our students, we will cover the following in our classes:

  • Know and understand yourself
  • The only price that matters (hint, there won’t be any crystal ball involved)
  • Know your resources (money, feed, livestock, and time) and how to manage them
  • Sell/Buy compared to Buy/Sell
  • Find relationships and determine what to sell and what to buy
  • Marketing for the cow/calf producer (another hint, every cow/calf producer becomes a stocker manager when their calves get to about 300 pounds!)
  • Determine the value of breeding stock
  • How to eliminate guesswork, hoping, and doubt
  • How to use the provided excel spreadsheets
  • Make a profit and stay in business!

We will not be discussing direct-marketing your livestock as meat, though, of course, that would be the over-valued animal in your sell/buy equation! We also won’t be discussing organically raised meat, though our techniques would work for animals you aren’t able to market as organic and need to find another route to market. A full understanding of sell/buy as compared with buy/sell thinking will help every part of your operation including how and why you buy your next pick-up!

Watch our calendar page for a school in your area. Or, if you have a group of people who are interested in a school, give us a call!

What Most People Miss when Marketing Livestock

Watch Richard discuss his path to learning Proper Marketing and what our course can do for you!

Proper Livestock Marketing 101

In 2019 we put together the definitive book on Proper Livestock Marketing by collecting everything Bud Williams wrote on the subject in his subscription website along with the transcript of his Marketing DVD. Attendees of our school will get a coupon for a reduced price on buying this book!

Read more about the book here.

Marketing Price Links

Excel Files
If you have attended one of our marketing schools, and you are looking for the password protected page to download the excel files, this is NOT that page! Please click here and enter the password provided in the school to find the excel files.