Simplicity is an acquired taste. Mankind, left free, instinctively complicates life.

— Kathleen Fullerton Gerould

Photos from the Eureka, CA School

Richard and I were so happy to have Mom join us for this trip and school! On the Saturday before the school we drove around looking at places we had lived in the 60s and 70s.

The three of us at a scenic overlook as we drove up the Bald Hills Road from Orick to the Lyons Ranch where we used to live.

There had been a strong storm the day before we drove up there, so we found several places like this where the highway crew had just cut through the logs so folks could drive through. The road was covered in debris from the wind whipping the trees!

A view of the ranch we lived on and worked in the 60s and early 70s.

Here we are after a fine seafood lunch in Trinidad!

Richard preparing for the first day of the school in Eureka.

The Marketing School

Special thanks to Kent Reeves who shared some Cowboy Poetry along with information about a Rancher to Rancher program

The Marketing School group!

Thanks to Kent for taking this picture of all three of us after the Marketing School portion!

Richard giving Dean Hunt the coveted “Cowhead Award” for helping set up the school!

This Cowhead is hand-made by Richard with antique Missouri barb wire.

Lunch all three days was provided by Moonlight Catering. The food was great, and we highly recommend them if you have catering needs in Humboldt County!

The Stockmanship School group with three generations of the Hunt family in the front row!

The Stockmanship School

Angles are very important when working with livestock

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