We, once again, enjoyed giving a short presentation on Stockmanship at the Powerflex Open House in Seymour, Missouri. This is the fourth year in a row we have presented there. It was nice visiting with people who saw the talk in years past who are using what they learned. One man told us his wife totally quit working stock with him 30 years ago because she wasn’t happy being yelled at. After attending the talk last year, he asked his wife if she would give another try to working with him. She did, and he said they are now able to happily and successfully work livestock together now! What a joy for them!
We also enjoyed visiting with Greg and Jan Judy of Green Pastures Farm and hearing their presentation. He’s not only doing great work explaining high density grazing to help other ranchers, but he’s producing excellent quality meat and improving his own and his rented land using the same techniques.