Experience teaches only the teachable.

— Aldous Huxley

This morning we wanted to haul off 5 of our old cows. We had bought them as SS/BM 2nd/3rd period cows this spring, they have calved and raised nice calves, and now it’s time to send them back to the auction. We brought the herd up to the house last night to graze the yard, so they were nice and close. Richard walked out into the grazing bunch and eased out the 5 cows we wanted. We drove them into the new loading facility we built for easier access during muddy conditions (not that it’s muddy now, but it’s also easier to back the trailer in!). Richard stepped into them in the “Bud Box,” and they moved up the alley and into the trailer. I shut the back gate, they stood there enjoying the view, and weaning was done.

I just stepped outside to see how the calves are doing, and they haven’t even figured out anything is different. They are still in the bunch with the other cows and calves, and it will probably be later today when they look for mama for lunch that they realize that part of their life is over!

No muss, no fuss, no weaning problems! Isn’t low-stress stockmanship great!

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