Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saskatchewan Farmers Featured in FACS Billboard Campaign

We have enjoyed working the the Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan three years in a row and wanted to share this great example of the work they do.

May 28, 2008

For Immediate Release

The smiling faces of Saskatchewan farm families will greet pedestrians and drivers alike with the launch of the Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (FACS) 2008 Billboard Campaign.

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“These are the faces of active farm families and employees committed to responsible animal care,” says FACS Executive Director Adele Buettner.

A total of 23 billboards are being launched across the province between May 26 and June 30 , and each will be showcased for a period of four weeks. The billboards can also be viewed on the FACS website at http://www.facs.sk.ca/proactive_billboards.htm

Click to see a larger graphic.

The faces include families involved in dairy, equine, poultry, bison, beef and pork operations.

“What is most encouraging about this particular campaign is the fact that these are Saskatchewan families with young people directly involved in the operation of the farm or ranch who take their responsibilities seriously,” Ms. Buettner noted.

Click to see a larger graphic.

Reflecting the Billboard theme “On our farms … we care,” a new component of the campaign will present some of the young people in conversation through a radio series. The conversations are scheduled to be aired on CJWW and 92.9 The Bull from June 9 to 29.

“Hearing these energetic young farmers discuss their operations and how they feel about agriculture will certainly add to the authenticity of the Billboards in depicting agriculture,” said FACS Chair Shannon Meyers.

The FACS Billboard Campaign ran from 1996 to 2001, and resumed in 2007. The 2008 campaign is sponsored by:

Saskatchewan Bison Association

North American Equine Ranching Information Council

Saskatchewan Agriculture

Saskatchewan Chicken Industry Development Fund

Saskatchewan Egg Producers

Saskatchewan Dairy Farmers

Click to see a larger graphic.

For more information, contact:

Adele Buettner, Executive Director of FACS
Telephone: (306) 249-3227

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