Our second school of the August western trip was near Caldwell, Idaho at South Mountain Cattle. We’d like to especially thank Matt and Pyper Duckett for hosting us at their ranch!
And, we would also like to sincerely thank the following businesses for providing lunches for the classes:
- Performix – www.performixnutrition.com
- Zoetis – www.zoetis.com/animal-health
- Merck – www.merck-animal-health-usa.com
Started out with the Livestock Marketing class.
The Livestock Marketing Group Shot.
Some people left and more arrived for the Proper Stockmanship School.
The Proper Stockmanship Group Shot.
Matt supplied these really nice heifers. After just a little bit of work in the pen, they all had to start eating this old straw (even though they had came off of great alfalfa earlier in the morning). That means they were being handled well!
Discussion of the morning cattle work.
Richard presenting the Cow Head Award to Matt!