After 10 years of the same website design, we decided a total re-do was in order! You know how it is when the cobbler’s kids have no shoes? Well, that’s how it works when one part of the team designs websites for a living yet the business website hasn’t been upgraded in years!
Tina finally got around to it in the slow time after Christmas, and here it is! Please be patient as there might still be some missing images or incorrect links. If you find any, please email Tina at and let her know so she can fix them! Meanwhile, look around and see what we have to offer in our new site!

Working Stock Dog Clinic Registration is Open!
Eunice Williams and Dawn Hnatow will present another Working Stock Dog clinic February 4 and 5 in Weatherford, TX where you will learn: Principles of
One Response
Like the new look.I have perfected shovel snow out of feed bunks !lol. The website looks good.