Proper Stockmanship and Livestock Marketing — Your Keys to Successful Ranch Management
Have you heard about “Stockmanship” and wondered just what it was? Have you read something about Bud Williams or others who teach stockmanship and thought you might like to learn more? Would you like to learn marketing techniques based on today’s price rather than a crystal ball? If so, this web page has many resources to help you.
Good stockmanship is not about having “tame” animals you can pet or trick into the corral with grain, going slow as you work livestock, or just not yelling. It means having the tools to keep your livestock in the proper mental state as they go through the entire production process including rotating pastures, gathering, sorting, weaning, backgrounding, feedlot management, and loading with the results of lowered stress and better quality of life for you and your livestock.
The emotional element of livestock is often ignored or misunderstood. They appear to be (and are often treated as) unemotional and stupid, when they are neither. Emotional stress can cause as much or more damage to production as the physical stress of poor feed, bad weather, or rough handling.
As well as being a premier stock handler, Bud Williams also developed livestock marketing techniques based on today’s price and simple math to assist you in making profitable management decisions about what to sell and what to buy. We continue to teach and explain his techniques.
Attend a Hand ‘n Hand Livestock Solutions school and learn how proper stockmanship can make your livestock handling experiences easier and more enjoyable and how combining good stockmanship with these marketing techniques can make your ranch more profitable.
We are Hand ‘n Hand Livestock Solutions

We (Richard McConnell and Tina Williams) met in 2002 in what would turn out to be a perfect combination of talents and love. After attending many Bud Williams Stockmanship and Marketing schools, we started teaching Proper Stockmanship in 2005 and Livestock Marketing in 2014.
We have taught classes from California to New York and from Saskatchewan to Florida.
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Read the Latest—

Working Stock Dog Clinic Registration is Open!
Eunice Williams and Dawn Hnatow will present another Working Stock Dog clinic February 4 and 5 in Weatherford, TX where you will learn: Principles of

Working Stock Dog Clinic
Back by popular demand, Eunice Williams (Mom) and Dawn Hnatow will be putting on another Working Stock Dog Clinic February 4-5, 2025 in Weatherford, TX.

What is Proper Stockmanship?
Back in August we were one of the several speakers at the Regenerative Legacy Summit. Watch the video below.

Upcoming Online and in-Person Schools
Online Proper Stockmanship Course Dates of course: January 10-March 10, 2025 Early bird discount ends December 10, 2024 Registration closes January 3, 2025 In-Person Proper

“Working Cows” Interview Posted
Click here to hear our interview on Working Cows. We talked about Proper Stockmanship including the process for getting a herd started.

Great School in Sidney, NE
Once again we had a great school in Sidney, NE July 29-August 1, 2024. Here’s some photos: From the marketing school Cassie ordered us up

Unlock the Future of Farming at the Regenerative Legacy Summit
We are excited to invite you to the The Regenerative Legacy Summit: How to Farm and Ranch for the Next Generation, hosted by Jared Sorensen

Sugar Sell/Buy
I was buying sugar the other day and I reached for the 10 lb bag, because I have it in my head that the larger